Reflect on a new year about to begin. Are you facing it with fear? Hear again the angels declaration, God is with you, so do not be afraid.
Jesus asked questions! What questions would you like to ask of God?
How might you be an Anna to those who look lost and bewildered?
God used an outsider (Simeon) to give us an important prophecy. Do you ever feel like an outsider? Remember that God has important plans for you.
How do you share Jesus with your family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, school run parents or whoever else you encounter during a typical week?
Where are you finding peace and security right now? Be honest before God. Recommit your life into his hands and perfect plans.
Intentionally pause before one of your celebrations today, or over the coming days, to thank God for sending Jesus.
Marys humble submission is a far cry from the me first culture of the twenty-first century. How does her example challenge you personally?
Which of these four areas (faith, humility, joy or encouragement) do you need most from the Holy Spirit right now?
Is there a sofa in your life that needs moving? Perhaps you have tried in your own strength to get rid of it. We cannot shift strongholds by ourselves, so ask the Holy Spirit for some help today.
Its easy to have a faith collapse when things go wrong. I draw so much comfort from Jesus reaction here. He doesnt rebuke John for his doubts, but instead pierces his darkness with hope.
Can you give something to someone who has less than you today?
As the nights become longer in the northern hemisphere, lets remember to pray for those who remain in spiritual darkness, that light would dawn in their lives.
When God moves, it can be obvious to us but hidden to others. Sometimes, as Elizabeth does here, we need to speak up and bear witness.
This is a story of prayer that was answered; not at the last minute, but several years after the last minute had passed. So keep praying!_x000D_
How can your divided relationships with family members, neighbours or enemies be reconciled?
Are you living in the reality of the salvation Jesus brings internally, or are you still allowing laws and externals to govern your life?
If trust is like a bridge, what will help to build a bridge with those who have hurt you?
How can you be used by the Lord to minister this good news to those around you during this season of your life?
What will it take for you to become more joyful in every circumstance you face? List three points of action you can implement this week.
What wolf do you need to confront today with the authority of a believer in Christ?
Make a list of the things you think about before you go to sleep. How can you make room on your list for Jesus?
Read Luke 2:3638 and reflect on Annas long wait. What could it mean for you to wait with this kind of worshipful expectancy?
Read Ephesians 6:1018 and pray for the Spirits help as you take up the armour of God to live in the light of Jesus return.
Reflect on whether you have subconsciously taken in unhelpful health and wealth teaching. How can you break out of this narrative?
Read the account of the wedding at Cana in John 2 and ask God to speak into your heart with a reminder of his upside-down generosity.
What does your waiting room look like? Ask God to meet you there and to lead you into a new place of peace within your waiting.
Can you recognise the pattern of death and resurrection with which God has surprised you in your own life?
How can you display the love of God in the darkness of the world and live in confidence of the final victory?
Spend time today simply being surprised amazed, even by the depth and constancy of Gods love for you.