Help us to make Fresh from The Word accessible for all

Promote Fresh from The Word 2025

We need your help to share Fresh from The Word, our Bible reading guide that brings God's Word to life in new ways each day. To support you, we've put together all the information and resources you'll need to promote it to your friends, church, and community.

You can access our IBRA marketing poster to put at the back of your church; it includes content that you can use in your church newsletter and information about Bible Sunday on 27 October 2024. You can also direct people to download a taster version, the Celebration edition too:


Can you help us to make the Bible accessible for a worldwide digital generation?

We’re on a mission to create an interactive experience that brings the Bible into the digital age.

Our vision for a new website includes:

  • Enriched content: Audio and video content, along with the full text of Fresh from The Word available daily.

  • Immersive user experience: A user-friendly, engaging interface that makes daily Bible reading accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

  • Global accessibility: A platform that offers multilingual support, making it easy to access our resources anywhere in the world.

Why support the IBRA App?

We are excited to share our vision for a new, interactive IBRA app that will bring the Bible to life in new and dynamic ways. Our goal is to create:

  • Global Impact: Reach Bible readers across 32+ countries.
  • Enhanced Accessibility: Make daily Bible readings and reflections easily accessible on mobile devices.
  • Community Building: Connect with an international community of Bible readers and learners.

To make this vision a reality, we need your support. If you’ve experienced the power of understanding God’s Word, we'd love for you to be part of this project.

Can you help us? Join us in this journey of faith

With your support, we can create a dynamic and interactive experience that will help people engage with the Bible like never before. Together, we can reach new audiences, enhance spiritual growth, and continue our mission of helping people have a deeper connection with Scripture and set their hope in God. 

Read  Asempa's  story from Ghana - the impact of your donations

Your gift of £100, £50, £25, or any amount will have a big impact on our mission.

Donate here

Thank You for your support! Your partnership means everything to us, and we look forward to bringing these exciting projects to life, together. 

Asempa’s story from Ghana