God’s Word – global impact!


‘He says, “It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the protected ones of Israel; I will also make You a light of the nations So that My salvation may reach to the end of the earth.”’ Isaiah 49:6 NASB

As the living Word of God (John 1:1), Jesus is God’s message of salvation for all people. While we don’t have Jesus living with us as a man, to show us God the Father and teach us His ways, we do have God’s written word, the Bible, and His Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth (John 16:13).

The Bible tells us that His word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Psalm 119:105) and that, ‘All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,’ (2 Timothy 3:16) – but what if you can’t read the Bible? Perhaps because you can’t read, or it is written in such a way (for example, in the context of a different culture) that you need it explaining to you?

That’s why IBRA’s founder, Charles Waters, began the distribution of Bible reading notes. Passionate about young people, Waters saw first-hand how education and literacy benefited all in British society, especially the poorest and set about realising his vision of making the Bible accessible to all.

Today, we IBRA is still making that vision a reality; our Bible reading notes in Fresh from The Word are making an impact across the globe – touching the lives of over 1 million people in 32 countries with the gospel of Jesus Christ and His words of eternal life.

Fresh from The Word – making the Bible accessible across the world

Sales of Fresh from The Word and donations from generous people like you enable us to provide our overseas partners with Bible reading notes in their local language that help people encounter Jesus.

Here are some uplifting testimonies of how accessible Bible reading is helping transform people’s lives as they come to know God.

IBRA’s partner in India – testimony

“We are very happy to state that new readers could be enlisted. We continue our efforts for a new reader base with focus on Christian secular workers. The feedback from readers is very encouraging that a common theme for worldwide readership is an exciting experience. Fresh from The Word Bible reading notes is a good tool for the Christians in secular vocation to have the daily devotions based on the text of the day that can guide the reader to be a witness bearer in one’s own situation. Introducing new believers to regular Bible reading is what IBRA is able to add strength to our efforts and we are grateful for this partnership.”

If you have a heart to see more people meeting Jesus by reading the Bible you can donate to our mission here

IBRA’s partner in India – testimony

“We also thank all donors whose contributions have and continue to help us impact lives with IBRA devotional materials. We have attached pictures of books (Fresh from the Word (English) and 4 other local versions) which we donated to prison inmates in Ghana through the Chaplaincy office of the Ghana Prisons Service at their head office in Accra.”

You can help more people access the Bible…

  • £5.00 prints 6 translated copies of Fresh From the Word in Ghana
  • £10.00 covers printing 12 copies of Fresh from The Word in India
  • £25.00 gives 20 copies of Fresh from The Word in Nigeria, helping people read the Bible
  • £50.00 would fund 1000 IBRA reading lists to be translated into Spanish, printed and distributed in Argentina

Please donate now – THANK YOU!